oh i so have no mood to write my essay.
i feel tired staring blankly at the computer screen.
and then i'll start to wonder how anyone can stare at the screen for so very long.
and after wondering i'll start thinking on how to continue on my essay.
then my mind will wander off again thinking about how my weekend will be.
and i'll start humming to the songs playing on my itunes.
afterwhich i have to remind myself that i have to finish my essay before the weekend as i will have to hand it in on monday and i'll have no time during the weekend to complete it.
oh thats a very long sentence!
it has been a really long week!
went for joey's birthday bbq on tuesday.
photos are on facebook!
let me put one here

met up with val after so long.
QIUXUAN as usual didnt come for whatever reason she had.
which made me and val quite angry.
oh yes i got scared and irritated by this guy at the bus stop at downtown east.
i was sitting at the bus stop opposite downtown east waiting for val.
then while i was sitting there, listening to songs, this guy, i guess he's roughly about 12-14 yrs old, started asking the aunties at the bus stop for a dollar.
all the aunties shooed him away.
then he suddenly sat beside me.
and he asked me for a dollar.
feeling abit sympathetic towards him, i gave him a dollar.
when i did, he asked for 2 dollars.
then i was like thinking to myself... shouldnt he be grateful that i gave him a dollar?
then i ignored him.
just then more aunties came and he started asking them.
so i took the opportunity to go to the bus stop on the opposite side.
when i reached the other side, i saw that guy cursing and scolding the aunties cos they refused to give him money.
then he crossed the road to the bus stop that i was at.
i was like... i cant be that unlucky.
then he asked many ppl at the bus stop.
no one gave him money.
and he came back and sat beside me again!
i turned up the volume of my music so that i wouldnt hear him.
and he started to use his leg to nudge my bag.
and i ignored him.
i think he did that for 3 mins continuously.
i looked at him and rolled my eyes and got up and sat in between 2 ppl.
he looked angry.
then he approached the uncle beside me and asked for money.
the uncle gave him a dollar and then the uncle left.
so he sat there and took out his wallet.
and at that point of time i was like why is he asking for money then.
i felt slightly cheated.
but i decided that i did a good thing.
and before he could approach me again, val finally came.
this encounter made me pity this guy.
like what are his parents doing?
its kinda sad that he is actually bringing himself to that level of begging people for money at such a young age.
its not like he cant get a part time job to do or anything.
and the way the guy begged for money just reminded me of the way the beggars in china beg for money.
plain scary.
oh before meeting val i had the music presentation.
i felt that it was a total failure.
i hope that it wont affect my total score.
it would really really pull down my entire score if i do badly for it.
so i'll confirm that we'll be meeting on 18th july for dinner at the central at clarke quay ya?
that is to val, joey, jamie, jere, khalis and qiuxuan(it's ur very last chance to like redeem yourself; if not you'll really be blacklisted =p)
sms me to confirm okies?
many many things to do this month.
mainly i need to study for my finals in aug.
on 4th aug and 6th aug.
mus266 on one day and psych on the other.
need to plan my time really well.
to juggle studying for uni and jap and going out.
wall e is coming out soon!
val does a really cute voice that imitates wall e.
okies enough of me talking and talking.
i shall ty to continue with my essay.
or maybe i shall play some games first.
i doubt i'll be sleeping early tonight.
thank goodness i dun have to wake up early tmr.