not that i was missed.
the past few days were tiring.
and i had horrible sleeping hours.
i came back on thursday at bout 2am.
i slept at bout 4am and woke up at 9am and i slept at bout 1am that nite.
i woke up at like 8am the next morning and slept at bout 11 plus.
on sat i woke up at 8 plus too and slept at bout 6pm.
and i woke up at bout 7.30 the next morning.
and sunday was my last night of sleeping really early =p
i slept at bout 8.30 or 9 (cant really remember)
yesterday was the start of work for me!
i realised that i really missed the kids sooooooo much.
a few of them have left the centre and a few have just enrolled.
and there is this particular student who has endless questions to ask.
just like my little cousin.
and another student who cant stop crying.
and another who will cry whenever i stare at him.
haha i'm evil.
i have to work this saturday cos they're having their K2 graduation performance thing.
and all teachers have to be in malay traditional costumes because our students are doing a malay dance.
ok enough bout work.
photos from my trip!
the first sunset i saw when i was walking out of their supermarket (which are all super huge by the way).
and my very first dinner in Anaheim. the portion was huge and it was the first and last time we ever ordered 5 portions of food for 5 people.
and the next day we went to legoland. it sounds kiddy but it was really fun in a way. and the first stupid picture of that day. the dinosaur was made by lego.
and thats me in that lion. pig tan was claiming that no one would look that happy to be in a lion. and the lion too is made up of lego (:
and that is a car made with 201 076 pieces of lego. it's like a life size car.
and a really tall hagrid with harry potter.
ok i took like hundreds of photos in legoland so i'm not gonna post them all. this is a photo of the sky when we left legoland. (:
and another one.
i saw this car when we were on our way to universal studios the following day. i shall own one that will be pretty similar to that when i'm rich enough. =p
ben and jerry's churro sundae. pig tan had that.
this was the very first attraction we went to when we reached universal studios. only me and pig tan and my dad went in. it was halloween so it was sort of their main attraction. i was so traumatised after that. people inside were dressed up and they all pop up from no where. and to make things worse, pig tan abandoned me halfway cos she was too scared.
SPONGEBOB! a very huge version of it.
and 2 sisters of mine who claim that they love me.
and the next day we headed on to hollywood. and this was the first thing that caught my attention. (:
then we went for some star tour thing to look at many celebrity houses. i cant remember much of what the guide said anyway. after that we walked along the street and they had museum like things for ripley's believe or not and for guiness world records. and we decided to go for the ripley's believe or not instead of the guiness world record one. half the time, we were afraid that something might pop up from the dark corners in that museum cos it had mostly dim lighting.
ok i dunno why but i cant upload anymore photos.
so i'll upload them another day!
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