we were singing this song.
there are 7 days there are 7 days there are 7 days in a week.
sunday mondy tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday.
there are 7 days there are 7 days there are 7 days in a week.
sunday mondy tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday.
so after singing i asked them what day it was today.
some said monday, some said friday, some said tuesday.
no one said thursday.
then i told them today was thursay.
and we started singing again.
it's a thursday it's a thursday it's a thursday today.
it's a thursday it's a thursday it's a thursday today.
then i asked them 'so what day is it today?'
and i got the same reply as before.
they are just so cute.
anyway it has been a really long week.
i've been feeling tired half the time.
i feel so tired now.
but i cant sleep becos i have to teach pig tan amaths.
it's an order from my mum.
so i'll have to stay awake until she is done.
i can't remember half the stuff i learnt when i was sec 3.
coordinate geometry seems so foreign now.
i'm such a lazy person.
too lazy to recall.
and her textbook is rubbish.
i prefer the purple textbook.
ok i promised photos!
my favourite photo was taken with joey!
ok i cant upload the rest.
uploading takes so very long.
and i'm lazy now.
some photo are in my friendster account.
the rest are too huge to be uploaded.
i should stop here for now. ((:
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