its been holidays so far.
and its the final week of my 2 weeks long holidays.
i've been working ever since the exam week.
in the mornings from 7am to 10am.
sometimes till abit later depending on the amount of teachers available.
thats pretty much what i've been doing for most of my holidays.
i've been out with Oo gang on 8th aug and 13th aug.
i'm working in the mornings and sleeping most of the afternoons away.
if not i'll spend my afternoons with my mum.
i cant go out cos of some stupid unreasonable reason.
i still feel angry about it.
but i'm not supposed to blame anyone.
but i'm still soooooooo upset bout it.
BUT i still cant do anything bout it.
SOOOO i cant wait for school to start so i can get back some of my freedom.
met up with val and jere on fri after sooo long.
i decided that i will not try so hard to come up with a day where all 7 of us can make it.
SOOOO when all of u are free pls let me know.
all i know now is that jere is flying to places with khalis, val and qiuxuan are having exams, joey and jamie are somewhere.
so let me know when all of u can pull out time to meet up.
that is before khalis and jamie go for NS!
i'm going to take JLPT 4!
though i dun feel like i'm good enough.
i think its worth a try.
i'm trying to memorise all the vocabulary and all.
its not that easy.
and i thot chinese was hard.
but i'm still working hard on it!
since i have no classes now.
trying to catch up with everything.
and soon i have to pay for another 10 lessons of jap.
another $400 gone.
but it's all worth it.
i think.
and its raining again!!!
i so love the rain.
been feeling sick the past few days.
it started with a sore throat then a runny nose then huge headaches.
and now i'm stuck with cough again.
i was trying to read a story to the students just now and i coughed my way thru it.
after that i joined some students who were playing at the home corner.
they kept making me "food".
they came up with weird stuff like egg juice and bread juice.
so i pretended to eat and all.
and they continued to feed me.
i told them if i eat so much i'll become fat.
and they said they wanted me to become fat.
and they started laughing amongst themselves.
and they said they wanted me to become fat like the kungfu panda.
those children made my day.
children are just so cute and innocent.
and i'm reminded why i still continue to work part time at where i'm working now.
i just finished reading damaged by cathay glass a few days ago.
it was really inspiring.
it somewhat made me wanna be a foster carer in future.
i wonder if there are foster carers in singapore.
it would be a nice thing to do though it does not provide a high pay.
money cannot buy things like that.
and children can be saved and protected in a way.
i'm now reading a book entitled ugly.
it's by constance briscoe.
i'm bout more than halfway thru it.
its really disturbing that it really happened to a person.
somehow reading how she got thru her ordeals made me realise again how lucky most of us are in our country.
i also wonder if there are any children suffering in silence.
these books really make me feel like doing extra well for my degree and complete all my studies to save these children who are abused by their own family.
and the rain has stopped!
but there's lightning.
the weather is confused.
it can decide if it wants to rain or not.
ok i shall stop talking nonsense!
and i will try to update regularly since val says i should.
so thank val if u also wanted regular updates from me.